Friday, 22 July 2011

Samsung Epic 4G Gingerbread Update Inches Closer To Release

Samsung Epic 4G owners can be found on almost every Gingerbread update post on the internet. They are rabid creatures, hellbent on being the first Galaxy S device in the United States to get the illustrious Android 2.3 update. And while it’s currently competing with AT&T’s Samsung Captivate, Sprint’s Epic 4G has made some progress today as a leaked Gingerbread build has made it to the web.
Epic 4G
The build, EF02, looks to be a pretty stable release but as of this writing, it’s unknown whether or not it can be rooted and feedback is only now starting to trickle in. Of course, because this isn’t official, you’ll need to have Odin handy to guide you to the promise land.
If this sounds like something up your alley, head here to XDA to get the goods and remember to closely follow the instructions. We wouldn’t want your phone to get bricked and we imagine you don’t want that to happen either.
As for the rest of you, unwilling to take the plunge, this is a sign that Sprint and Samsung are getting closer to releasing this software officially and it could be a matter of weeks before we see it arrive.
Be patient but above all, be excited.

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