Saturday, 3 September 2011

Symantec releases free Android security solution

Symantec releases free Android security solution

Security company Symantec has released a free security solution for Android that features anti-malware and anti theft technologies. It is called Norton Mobile Security Lite which scans all files and app update for malwares. It also have a remote locking feature in which users can  remotely lock their devices by sending text messages to them. But it is not only useful when a device is stolen.

Its a lighter version of Norton Mobile Security which is a commercial product. This type of software is need for android because latest report says that Android users are two and a half more likely to encounter malware now then they were six months ago, with 30% of them likely to encounter web-based threats.

"In the same day, a smartphone user can stream their favorite music station, get the high score hurling birds through the air and then file their taxes online. Having Norton installed means feeling equally confident regardless of what you do on your mobile phone," said Dave Cole, vice president mobile products, Norton.

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